Buchprojekte (Auswahl) |
book projects (selection)
"Der Gott der Stadt" | 2013 |
"the god of the city" | 2013
"Paradies OK!" | 2010 |
"paradies ok!" | 2010
"Summus in arte modernus" 2010 |
"summus in arte modernus" 2010
"Mehr Flügel als Prügel", Samuel Beckett 2009 |
"more than beating wings", samuel beckett 2009
"Murphy", Samuel Beckett 2009 |
"murphy", samuel beckett 2009
"Me, myself and I" 2003/2004 |
"me, myself and I" 2003/2004
"Eilt sehr!" 2001 |
"very urgent!" 2001
"Zwerg und Schiff!" 2001 |
"dwarf and ship!" 2001
"Merlin oder das wüste Land" | Tranked Dorst | 2000 |
"merlin or the desert land" | tranked dorst | 2000
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